ARAY Wellness Coaching Newsletter

Itā€™s February, 2024, the love month Hereā€™s a crazy thought about stress

It’s February. The Love Month. 


Let’s stop and breathe in this thought:  

the body is incredible. 


How can we tap into its healing potential, especially during times of crisis or anxiety? 

We all have stress. 


Get this…

Stress can positively affect the body. 


What, you say? 

Instead of fearing the effects of stress, 

stress can prime the heart for resiliency. 


Stress isn’t necessarily toxic and surprisingly, can decrease the chance of premature death. 



Here are two indisputable thoughts: 

  • We all have stress.
  • A myriad of changes can occur in the heart during aging. 

 These two facts are indisputable. 


In Kelly McGonigal’s TED Talk, “How to Make Stress Your Friend,” she makes the claim:

 stress can be equated with stress resiliency. 


How do you respond to anxiety? 


Do you…

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