ARAY Wellness Coaching Newsletter

April 2022 Blog Walking in Springtime

Walking in springtime. Sounds like a song title. 

Ready to get out and release the winter dust that may have descended during the chilly months? 

Let’s go for a walk. Maybe even more than once a day. 

Even 15 minutes a day of moderate-intensity walking can increase life expectancy by three years and lowers your risk of death by 14 percent, according to Health magazine. 


Ever since I was diagnosed with sciatica back in July and was advised to not do forward bends, I took to the sidewalks, and trails. I love a challenge. I had relied on my beloved yoga community to supply me with mindful movement strategies for years. Could I meet my same exercise quota through walks and weights? 


FITT is good to follow to ensure a successful workout. 

Frequency reminds one to move often.  

Intensity brings to mind the idea that for moderate exercise, you can carry on a conversation, and for intense movement, it would be difficult to sing...

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Boosting our brain strength

August 2020


Wow, we are still going through this together. Thank goodness we have each other. To know I can rest in to our community of like-minded, wellness-oriented kindred spirits helps me stay calm through these scary and uncertain times.


In my 3-day training in August, we discussed how to keep your wellness, and that of your loved ones, at the top of your to-do list, even, or especially, during the pandemic. Over one thousand years ago, Avicenna, the father of early modern medicine recommended that in order to maintain optimal health, we pay attention to nutrition, exercise, and sleep. We’re still figuring this out today, a millennium later! Focus on wellness in an understanding manner, one that spurs us to lead more meaningful lives, reduce suffering, and increase the amount of love in the world. We can create a microcosm of our optimal world in each of our lives. This mentality can change the world.


Boosting our brain strength can help us remain...

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