ARAY Wellness Coaching Newsletter

Spread Joy!

Nov 2019

Spread Joy!


Are you a singer? I am. Yesterday, as I was walking my two German Short Hair Pointer granddogs, I started singing carols. I love to sing and grew up singing many songs at Christmas so the words are etched in my brain. I felt that Bridget and Piper liked hearing my voice (even though it may not be completely on key!) Singing makes me happy.  When I lived in Vermont, we would go caroling in our tiny village of East Corinth. Neighbors knew when we were scheduled to arrive and had treats ready as a thank you. When I’m hiking or biking and think I can’t go on, sometimes I sing. It distracts me and changes the energy enough so I get up the next hill. Making joyful noise is good for the heart. Share audible joy.


Do you like to cook/bake? Holiday baking is a staple in our house. Nut rolls, breakfast bread, and gingerbread are must-haves and help make the days merry and bright. I’ve sent nut rolls to various people over the years and...

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