ARAY Wellness Coaching Newsletter

July 2022 Blog What's on Your To-Do List?

Move on up

Have you noticed this in the past few years? That your health is moving up on the to-do list?


People who were 55-90 years old were surveyed about their beliefs about their health and what contributed to a healthy lifestyle in a new study by AARP and National Geographic.


It was noted that participants recognized that good health is no longer a given and it’s a critical time to stabilize health and engage in activities that will improve wellbeing.


These last few weeks, I’ve been part of a teaching lab of my own making as I recover from Covid.

The three days of fever were debilitating and the lingering lung issues were worrisome and troubling.

I’ve known several people with long-haul Covid symptoms and wanted to avoid dealing, at all costs, with the ongoing effects of this insidious virus.


Keep this list handy

That’s when I created the list of alternative therapies that I repeated until I had that moment…you know...

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Bolster Your Immune System

 Jan 2020


Now that it’s January and we are in the thick of cold and flu season, let’s talk about a few ways to bolster our immune system so that we can keep up with our daily routine, whatever that may look like for you. The flu season extends from November to April so we have months to work on this. Once we get sick, it’s not just the week of a cold or flu. Secondary infections can set in: sinus infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, or a lingering cough, and all can take several weeks or a month to overcome.


Nip symptoms in the bud (I love the gardening analogy in the depth of winter) as they first appear. When I notice sniffles, I start my cold and flu first aid action items: facial steam, neti pot, eucalyptus oil on a cotton ball next to my pillow at night, Epsom salt bath with lavender oil, start echinacea, vitamin C and zinc, and gargle with warm, salty water. Elderberry syrup in tea bestows the berry’s antioxidant benefits and offers its...

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